Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 5: Evaluation

Sami and I decided to meet up in the computer lab to evaluate each other's prototypes. Here is the list of issues from evaluating Sami's prototype and my hopefully constructive advice:

  • The button set up could be improved even more on either version by having the Previous and Next Fact button close to the facts  and have the other buttons close to the bottom.
  • I also expecting that when the first page would open up that it would have the current date and a fact right off the bat, but it was the just the date and a prompt of whether they want to get a fact. I feel that if the user has this app, they understand that they are going to get facts, so why not just skip the opening prompt and just go straight into the facts of that day. 
  •  Also some days might not have as many facts as other days so it would be helpful if on the date that they have pulled up, a counter of how many facts are for this date.
  • A suggestion is to add small pictures that relevant to the fact that is being displayed.

I kind of already said my positives and negatives in the bullet points, but i feel that it would be a fun app to have. It would also be a go conversation starter with people to break the ice. I made the suggestion of jumping right into the facts is so that a person can quickly access them if they cannot remember a fact of the day.

Here are our videos:

Sami reviewing mine

I am reviewing Sami's

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 4: Prototyping

STEP 1: Direction
I want to make something that allows for the user to share funny jokes, anecdotes, or trivia facts with other people and for the user to receive these as well.

STEP 2: Versions

People are always waiting in some sort of line.
Sometimes waiting in line is stressful and one way to relieve it is by jokes
They use an app that will give them a joke of the category they chose

They enjoyed the joke, so they to the next one.
The next one, they feel is so funny that they have to save it
So they save it and after reading that joke, they are reminded about a joke that they want to share

So they write down the joke select a category and then submit it.
All of the jokes are anonymous.
But the user must select one of the categories so as to group similar jokes and separate jokes that are PG rated from the R rated ones


People are always waiting in some sort of line
One way of passing the time in the line is by distracting yourself
So the person in the line needs something to distract themselves with

They are big on trivia facts and usual facts
There happens to be an app that has all sorts of facts like that
So they read one

And another….
And another...
And another. They look up and they have one more person and they will then get their copy of the latest videogame.

STEP 3: Prototype Versions



STEP 4: Video

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 3: Needfinding

I chose to observe my friends in managing the due dates for their school assignments. I want to improve this because I know the experience of being caught off guard from remembering at the last second the deadline of an assignment. I want people to always be informed about things like that since there are usually very important to remember.

Denzel: His system of remembering due dates is like a word of mouth system. He usually asks his peers in the class what is due in the class and what day it is due. Also if he is nervous on whether he has anything due and his classmates are not around, he looks at the syllabus that the teacher provided.

Denzel texting a classmate about an assignment
  • A constant reminder of the assignments from classmates
  • Never has to personally remember it because of classmates

  • When not around classmates (ex. weekend), if assignment is due next class, possibility of forgetting deadline
  • Can possible suffer when the assignment requires a lot of time

Bijan: The system that Bijan uses is writing it on a whiteboard in his room. When an assignment due date is announced, the assignment is written on the board. The assignment is taken off when the assignment is finished. The board is located right next to his bed.

Bijan checking his board for any assignments
·         A constant reminder on the board and at home
·         Can organize it and prioritize assignments based on due dates and workload for each assignment
·         Writing it on the board is another way of keeping it in your mind
·         Board allows for changes and additions


  •  Is most effective when at home, when not at home possibly of forgetting
  • Still has to write the assignment down in class so that it can be easily  transferred to board at home


1. An app that gives reminders every day of assignments due for the week
2. An app that is like a board where the person types or talks in the assignment with due date
3. A calendar app that is takes the idea of a white board display for each week
4. An app that lists all of the assignments due for the week with a number rating on the amount of time required for it
5. An app that does a countdown for assignments in a list
6.  An app that has classmates’ information for each class, so that one can get in contact with people from their class
7.  An app that is like a student planner
8. An app that lists the assignments in chronological order and as the assignment gets closer to the due date, the screen starts to get a red tint to it and as the date gets closer the tint gets more saturated.
9.  An app that does a type of notifications symbol that appears in the corner of the phone’s screen like on Facebook.
10. An app that anytime the user unlocks their phone, the app will prompt like a dry erase marker on glass across the user’s phone with the list of assignments that are due this week.

1.       The calendar apps in that come with phones. I understand that every phone comes with this, but sometimes they get confusing and are not simple.  I want the user to go into an app like the default calendar and be able to right from the start be able to create due dates and delete them with little to no effort.
2.       Facebook event tab. The layout of the event tab on Facebook allows the user to see all the events going on in the week in chronological order or in a calendar fashion that way the user can see the entire month.
3.       Actual class syllabus. I want to give a student a syllabus that they can access on their phone, organize, and have constant updates.
4. This website helps people who do not know HTML code very well and it allows them to create a site. The steps in creating the site are very easy with and the user can add and subtract things from the site without frustration.
5.       PDAs. I want to make my phone like a PDA since I always have my phone on me at all times. I want people to have their information at their finger tips.

Video with Link

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 2: Brainstormed Ideas

Brainstormed Ideas

  • TV channel app
    • Tells the user the exact channel for any show
  • Fish species app
    • tells the user fish species in a picture that was taken (target: marine science)
  • Hiking trails app
    • shows the locations of trails with distance of trails, photos, and reviews
  • Fast food nutritional facts app
    • a database that shows all the nutritional facts of any fast food place
  • Bus app
    • shows the route of buses in a specific city, time tables, and possible GPS location of bus
  • Financial app
    • a checklist that helps keep a constant update on a student's financial aid. eg) deadlines, forms, sites, etc.
  • Parking spot app
    • shows user parking garages near them based off GPS location and shows information like rates
  • Landmarks app
    • shows locations of historic landmarks based on GPS location
  • List app
    • allows the user to create a list for specific tasks. eg) groceries, office supplies, schedules, etc
  • Engine data app
    • if phone connected in car, will save engine data on phone to show to mechanic. eg) oil pressure, etc
  • Insurance company damage app
    • allows user to evaluate damage of car based off a picture that user takes.
  • Accounting app
    • allows the user to keep track of income, expenses and balances
  • Symptoms app
    • user inputs medical symptoms and the app displays possible conditions they are in 
  • Comic strip app
    • database full of Sunday comic strips
  • Snowflake app
    • a mini game that user "cuts" out a paper snowflake
  • Inspirational app
    • everyday this app has a inspirational quote.
  • Joke app
    • databases of all sorts of jokes
  • True or False app
    • a mini game that has a bunch of true/false questions about anything and everything
  • Sci-fi soundboard
    • contains a large array of soundboards from sci-fi films
  • Idea app
    • user inputs a category and it gives a lists of project ideas for that category

List app
- The app seems simple but allows for the user to be efficient with their time of be organize

Parking app
- One of the main problems that my friends and I have when going to a new place is finding parking garages.

My main focus on these apps were college students and my users were mostly my friends and a big help was my roommate. There is a picture of him analyzing the setup.

My main insights from this is that the List app is good just they felt like it was a little basic, but that they could see what i was imagining it and where it could go. For the Parking app, they liked it just that again it seemed basic.

Below is my photos of the prototypes and of my roommate (Sorry for the disarray. I was struggling with the insert image tool and with the alignment settings on the pictures).
